RF600 TRANSFORMER is intended for input, output and interstage impedance matching applications, primarily in solid-state, push-pull amplifiers. The RF600 transformercan handle a maximum power dissipation of 65 watts PEP. The core material for the RF 600 transformer is available in one material type:
TYPE 43 2-30MHz frequency range
The RF600 transformer is available with no secondary winding (core only) or with the following windings:
1 Turn #22AWG Teflon Insulated wire 1:1 Impedance ratio
2 Turns #22AWG Teflon Insulated wire 1:4 Impedance ratio
3 Turns #22AWG Teflon Insulated wire 1:9 Impedance ratio
4 Turns #22AWG Teflon Insulated wire 1:16 Impedance ratio
5 Turns #22AWG Teflon Insulated wire 1:25 Impedance ratio
The RF600 transformer is available manufactured with standard solder or with lead free solder.
RF600 Dimensions and Specifications