This amplifier design covers frequencies from HF to VHF with a power output level of 300 watts using RF power MOSFETs. The MRF151G used in this design is considered as a state of the art device. The MRF151G is housed in a special push-pull header commonly known as "Gemini" (twins) meaning that there are two identical transistors mounted next to each other on a common carrier or flange. This amplifier was originally designed for operation from a constant 40 to 50 volt power supply. The frequency range of this amplifier design is 10-175 MHz. As the MRF151G is basically made for operation from a 50 volt supply, lowering the voltage down to 40 volts would make the unit almost indestructable against load mismatches such as open coax or a broken antenna.
Frequency Range 10-175 MHz
Power Input 15 watts (typical)
Power Output 300 watts (typical)
Input Impedance 50 ohms
Output Impedance 50 ohms
Input Voltage 40-50 volts DC
Input Current 12-15 amps (typical)
The component set includes:
1 ea. Capacitor Set
1 ea. Resistor Set
1 ea. Ferrite Set
1 ea. Transformer Set
1 ea. Printed Circuit Board
1 ea. 1N5923A 8.2V Zener Diode
1 ea. MRF151G FET